COVID-19 health charter

The Paese Serenu Residence is convinced of the essential importance of respecting health directives and the precautions to be adopted in order to stop the spread of Covid-19 and to guarantee all its vacationers and all its employees full and complete security.
Paese Serenu and his vacationers mutually agree by the adoption of this charter to actively participate in this objective and to allow everyone to benefit from the confidence and working and living conditions that meet the maximum health criteria which can be offered.
Paese Serenu undertakes to ensure:
- The correct application of the procedures put in place,
- Team training,
- Procurement of the materials necessary for proper compliance with procedures.
Paese Ser enu is committed to adopting transparent and clear communication thanks to:
- Explicit communication media installed in suitable places within the Residence grounds to inform its customers,
- To reception staff to answer questions,
- In the procedures available at the reception,
- To job descriptions available at reception.
Paese Serenu undertakes to adopt and implement procedures adapted to health constraints, these procedures include the following prescriptions (non-exhaustive list):
- Ensure the hygiene of the personnel and the control system on the arrival and departure of the personnel (temperature measurement, hand washing, wearing of a mask, gloves, goggles or visor and specific equipment depending on the position occupied, cleaning and disinfection of the position of work)
- Provide our customers with hydroalcoholic solutions and protective equipment for reception staff,
- Set up markings on the ground and signage to maintain safety distances between customers in waiting areas,
- Reinforce the cleaning and disinfection of common areas (including pool area, playground, tennis, table tennis tables, beach and pool loungers, restaurant areas) and adapt them to the requirements and recommendations of health authorities,
- Reinforce cleaning with cleaning and disinfecting products and room ventilation,
- Supervise the recovery of linen and sheets and offer personal protective equipment to staff. Ideally observe a latency time of at least 3 hours before taking charge of sheets and linen,
- As far as possible, respect a vacancy measure of at least 48 hours between two reservations during periods when the establishment is not full,
- Adapt the opening of services and facilities (including Restaurant, Swimming pool and Beach) to health requirements and Government decisions,
- Encourage payment by bank card if possible without contact. Systematically disinfect payment terminals,
- Impose respect for barrier gestures on its employees, service providers and customers.
- As far as possible, priority will be given to booking and paying for additional services prior to arrival on site.
Paese Serenu undertakes to establish job descriptions for all the departments and for each of the functions in place within the establishment:
- Reception & Reception
- Apartment cleaning
- Cleaning of common areas
- Catering service
- Cooked
- Pool area
- Technical Interview
Paese Serenu is committed to training its employees in procedures and ensuring their daily applications.
Paese Serenu delivers to each of its customers at the time of booking, or at the latest on arrival at the establishment, the procedures they will be asked to apply and respect during their stay at of the Residence and in particular:
- Respect barrier gestures (consult at reception and in common areas),
- Respect the distances at reception, marking on the ground, and more generally at all times inside and outside the compound of the Residence,
- Favor contactless and CB payment, disinfection of the TPE keyboard after each transaction,
- Use disposable tissues to throw in the bins provided for this purpose,
- Respect the locations provided in the restaurant room to maintain safety distances,
- Open the windows of the accommodation to ventilate it when you leave,
- Give your key at reception in the space provided for this purpose,
- Favor sending invoices by email.
Résidence Paese Serenu undertakes to adopt the procedures prescribed by the government and the authorities in the event of suspected contamination for one of its employees but also for its customers.
Paese Serenu undertakes to set up strict rules with its suppliers to manage goods receipts and storage in the best possible conditions.
In general, Paese Serenu undertakes to adapt and update the directives and recommendations of the public authorities in the fight against Covid-19 taking into account the evolution of the situation and the legal prescriptions.
Know that our responsibility is to guarantee you the most pleasant stay possible while respecting the health charter that we have put in place. However, all of these measures can only be effective with your support and involvement.
Dear Vacationers, we are fully aware that your vacation will be like no other, but everything will be done to ensure that you have an excellent memory of this summer of 2020.
Yours and see you soon!